S-Cape Travel The Netherlands

S-Cape Travel The Netherlands

Frank Houtstra
Director Dutch Bike Tours (S-Cape Holland)

“The Netherlands is the perfect place to explore by bike with extensive way-marked cycle paths, flat landscapes, short distances and plenty to see and do along the way. I was born and raised in Holland so you could say cycling is in my blood! Come and try cycling below sea-level – the ultimate Dutch experience!”


We have been organizing packaged bike holidays since 2003. In 2012 we joined S-Cape Travel. There is nothing we don’t know about cycling in the Netherlands and we can offer your clients unrivalled expertise! 

This results in direct and fast answers to all your questions and rapid confirmation of your reservation. We strive to reply to questions and bookings within 48 hours.


CYLING TRIPS More than 100 beautiful cycling trips in the Netherlands and, Belgium


MULTI-NATIONAL TEAM to assist you in Dutch, English & German (some Italian & French)

Icons - S-Cape partners website (8) 

FLEXIBILITY choose your start date, hotel & duration with us

- S-Cape partners website (6) 

PERSONAL SERVICE efficient, direct contact from dedicated staff


Below you will find some examples of the regions that we are active in, plus we have also presented some of our trips. Many more can be found in the PORTFOLIO.

S-Cape Travel The Netherlands


A taste of our trips


S-Cape Netherlands

From left to right: René (documentation), Elleke (backoffice), Amber (backoffice), Hedwig (sales), Tine (sales), Erik (office manager), Ivanka (sales) and Frank (director)




Contact us

Members of applicable branch organisations HATTA (GR), ANVR & SGR (NL), FIAVET (IT), CEAV (ES)

Members of the ATTA (Adventure Travel Trade Association) since 2009



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