Greece » Northern Greece

Northern and central Greece is home to a great variety of landscapes, architecture, and local cultures. From the historical and lively Thessaloniki in the north, past the vineyards of Naoussa a bit further west, to the UNESCO World heritage Site of Meteora in the middle, the region offers plenty of activities and sights to be seen. For the real nature enthusiasts, these and other commendable highlights of the area can be combined in a walking journey that brings you close to the magnificent peaks of Mt. Vermio & Mt. Olympos, for a great adventure through this unique, and largely ‘undiscovered’ region, home to the ancient Gods.

Thessaloniki might be Greece’s second city in size, but certainly not in terms of what it has to offer. With its rich history and impressive monuments, Thessaloniki has been a popular destination for millennia. The plethora of special, picturesque neighbourhoods are a testament to this, and each have their own story to tell to the visitors. Thessaloniki is known as a vibrant place, with a village-like, cosy atmosphere. Must-sees are Ano poli, Thessaloniki’s ‘upper city’, and the Ladadika neighbourhood and adjacent boardwalk along the sea. 

Naoussa vineyards
Located at the foot of Mount Vermio, Naoussa and its abundant vineyards lay beautifully within the rolling landscape. Famous for its dry red wine, the ‘Xinomavro’, the area has been a PDO (Protected Designated Origin) since 1971. But how could it be any other way, considering that the mother of Dionysus, the God of wine himself, allegedly wandered this area! Following in her footsteps is certainly possible, for instance as part of our Mt. Vermio and Mt. Olympos walking route. 

In the north of Greece, between the cities of Ioannina and Larisa, we find Meteora. This mountain range consisting of natural pillars rising from the ground, is host to an impressive ‘elevated’ complex of Greek Orthodox Monasteries. Built from the 13th century onwards, some of the monasteries can be visited even today. A daytrip (or more!) to Meteora combines a beautiful walk in nature with a rare insight into Greek history and religion. 




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